23 June, 2010

Another Day

I am not sure why I still have this. I don't post much to it, not that anyone cares. Rough days at work training the boss' son. He's like a baby giraffe. He knows what he's got to do, he's just all wobbly. He'll get there. I've done as much as I can do to help him learn the functions, the rest he's got to learn on his own.

The World Cup refs suck so bad they've formed their own vacuum. Nuff said.

In my effort to lose a few LB's, my walking 3-5 times a week is going well. I've actually lost 15 pounds in 2.5 months. Nice and slow I guess. This way I can still eat some of what I love and not feel guilty about it.

Okay. Signing off.

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