21 October, 2009

Getting Anxious

With just three days remaining, I'm really getting stoked for my trip. My bag is packed. Essentials set out and organized for packing, tickets printed, money exchanged, What To Do manuals completed and left for anyone who cares. I can't believe it's been 10 months since the planning stages of this trip. Lucky for me, the big boss man is pretty relaxed about me taking 2 weeks away. I just told him to pretend it's a male maternity leave. I don't think he bought into that idea. The trip down is somewhere around 38 hours including layovers. Leave Houston 9:55am Saturday - arrive Cairns Monday around noon. Sheesh. The return trip is worse. Leave Christ Church NZ Saturday 10:00am - arrive Houston Saturday 11:30pm. I think we are in travel mode for around 40+ hours. Hell...but worth it.

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