01 December, 2009

Dreary Tuesday.

I really don't have much to say. Thanksgiving was great. I spent two days with the parents, helping fix dinner, pull out some of the Christmas stuff, helped demo parts of the inside of the garage, hung the giant wreaths on the house, watched a lot of football. It was a good two days. I spent the next two days helping a friend with her Christmas stuff and worrying about what I was going to get for my nephew for his birthday on 12/7 as well as he and his sister for Christmas. Where has this year gone?!?!

I guess on the bright side, I've gotten the office up and running on new software which killed me the first half of the year, but it's much easier on me now which enables me to add to this blog during working hours. Hooray! I still have to deal with the confused masses, but it gets better every day.

As for things I'm thankful for, well, my family and their health, a great company to work for, and the knowledge that there may only be three more years of BHO in office. Yay.

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