12 December, 2009


I really can't figure out why I have this blog. So many other people say what's on my mind so much better than I can. Maybe it's because I'm on a Nyquil stupor but I just can't think. Why oh why is our Congress creating a bill to force the NCAA to use a playoff system for Div-I football? I guess they don't have anything better to do like the economy. Actually, that is better, now that can't screw it up more than they already have. I also love the false science that global warming has become. While many millions of people will agree that the Earths' temperatures fluctuate, man's influence on those temperatures is minimal at best. What you don't hear is that the solar activity has quieted down over the past two years. Houston has had snow the past two years, coincidence? I don't think so. Places that haven't had snow in over 100 years have had snow. Again I ask, coincidence? I guess the hockey stick graph is going to be the smoking gun, but not in their favor. Unfortunately the media is on their side. Algore refuses to debate anyone making him look like a 13 year old spoiled rotten girl with his fingers in his ears mumbling so he can't hear anyone.
Maybe I can think. It's late. I'm going to bed.

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