29 September, 2009

The Good, The Bad and the OMG

Well another league night has come and gone. With the averages our team has set, we were giving 125 pins a game. That's a lot to make up for mediocre bowlers. Needless to say we lost 3 of 4. I didn't help our case at all. Threw a fantabulous 113 ( on a 182 average). I did manage to close out the night with a team high 231 to win the third game. We are a great group of misfits that just have a great time regardless of how good or bad we are doing. Team scores are here.

Like I said, we do have fun but I am a competitor and I don't like performing so poorly. I'll get'em next week. Unfortunately, I work with a couple of bowlers on the other team so I won't hear the end of it. Of course I just tell them that I bowl to the competition, and this weeks level of competition was, well, lower than my teams.

28 September, 2009

Great Weekend...RIIIIIGHT!

Well, I spent 12 hours at the office working on 1 server and 1 workstation. Workstation is like brand new and working great, except Adobe Reader wouldn't install. So I installed Foxit Reader and it works fine. The server, well, at least it isn't worse. I could not get anything to work. Couldn't do a repair install due the fact that it couldn't find any drives. I tried installing the Raid software during the process, nope, wouldn't work still. I now have someone slightly smarter than me looking into it. At least everyone here can still do their respective jobs, I just can't monitor the server or log into it using RDP. The best thing about Saturday is that Marshall beat Memphis, Texas best UTEP, and Houston beat Texas Tech. Oh and Miami & Florida State lost. I got to listen to the Marshall game over the net while viewing the VT v. Miami game while working. Anyway, at least the weather here was okay. Not that I got to enjoy it, but it wasn't raining. I may have to spend some time up here next weekend with whatever solution we come up with to get the server back to normal. Yay!

24 September, 2009

Rainy Thursday

It's mid-morning and I'm already in the mood to go home. I've actually gotten a lot accomplished in the time I've been here, I'm just tired of the constant complaining. Apparently they don't realize how fortunate they are to still be employed. Yes, we've made some cutbacks. Yes, we could do more but we are still turning a profit enabling them to keep their jobs. Furthermore, they sound like 9 year old girls with their whining. I tune them out by putting my headphones on and keeping my face buried in my iMac.

Last night I ran some ethernet cable in the attic to connect the ATT U-Verse boxes. The 3/8" hole 18" down the wall wasn't easy to find with my fish tape. At least it's now installed, hooked up and looks good. ATT installers are idiots and regardless of how many times I showed them how bad the coax connection was, they did not want to install ethernet cables the lazy bastards. Now the picture looks great in the main room & bedroom and the biggest problems are gone. I can deal with the occasional minor 1 second hiccup. It was the freezing and pixelating I couldn't stand.

I guess I'll be working this weekend. I just know Lumbergh will ask me to work this weekend.

23 September, 2009

Rambling For Today

After a decent outing with last nights league bowling, I had to be at the office at the crack of dawn to restart our file servers. Needless to say, I have one that has issues. Was it the Microsoft Security Patches? Most likely. Now I can't even uninstall them. So, I'll just have to download them and reinstall them. Oh what fun for running on 5 hours of sleep two nights in a row. I'm too old for this crap. I need my 8 hours of beauty sleep.

As for the bowling, I bowl in a "church" league, one that I do not attend. A couple of friends are members so they asked me to join the league. I have a coworker that's on my team and another coworker (the member) that is on another team who talks a lot of garbage. Back story: After not having bowled in 10 years, he challenged me ( after he's league bowled for 3 years now ). Needless to say the first outing May, he did beat me. Only buy a few pins but he did win. He hasn't beaten me since so I can't figure out why he talks so much trash. Anyway, I started off September 15 with a 175, 206 & 185. This week I started off poorly but finished strong with a 152, 150, 224. I do enjoy bowling in a league since I relish the competition, not only with the other teams but with myself. I know what I am capable of and I really strive to better my average with every ball searching for that elusive 300. Maybe one day.