28 September, 2009

Great Weekend...RIIIIIGHT!

Well, I spent 12 hours at the office working on 1 server and 1 workstation. Workstation is like brand new and working great, except Adobe Reader wouldn't install. So I installed Foxit Reader and it works fine. The server, well, at least it isn't worse. I could not get anything to work. Couldn't do a repair install due the fact that it couldn't find any drives. I tried installing the Raid software during the process, nope, wouldn't work still. I now have someone slightly smarter than me looking into it. At least everyone here can still do their respective jobs, I just can't monitor the server or log into it using RDP. The best thing about Saturday is that Marshall beat Memphis, Texas best UTEP, and Houston beat Texas Tech. Oh and Miami & Florida State lost. I got to listen to the Marshall game over the net while viewing the VT v. Miami game while working. Anyway, at least the weather here was okay. Not that I got to enjoy it, but it wasn't raining. I may have to spend some time up here next weekend with whatever solution we come up with to get the server back to normal. Yay!

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