24 September, 2009

Rainy Thursday

It's mid-morning and I'm already in the mood to go home. I've actually gotten a lot accomplished in the time I've been here, I'm just tired of the constant complaining. Apparently they don't realize how fortunate they are to still be employed. Yes, we've made some cutbacks. Yes, we could do more but we are still turning a profit enabling them to keep their jobs. Furthermore, they sound like 9 year old girls with their whining. I tune them out by putting my headphones on and keeping my face buried in my iMac.

Last night I ran some ethernet cable in the attic to connect the ATT U-Verse boxes. The 3/8" hole 18" down the wall wasn't easy to find with my fish tape. At least it's now installed, hooked up and looks good. ATT installers are idiots and regardless of how many times I showed them how bad the coax connection was, they did not want to install ethernet cables the lazy bastards. Now the picture looks great in the main room & bedroom and the biggest problems are gone. I can deal with the occasional minor 1 second hiccup. It was the freezing and pixelating I couldn't stand.

I guess I'll be working this weekend. I just know Lumbergh will ask me to work this weekend.

1 comment:

dwkennedy68 said...

UPDATE: Yes it has rained intermittently all day.